Fitness Motivation
They always say the hardest part of running is putting on your shoes and actually getting out of the house. Once you are out the door, then things get easier (mentally).

In this post I wanted to share some positive points to really reflect on to motivate us to go to the gym, push harder and commit to a healthier life.

1. You never regret a workout

When I got home after my run, my roommate told me that "you never regret the fact that you went for a run". That struck me so hard. I think of all these reasons why I shouldn't go for a run: errands, studying, tired, sleepy, hungry, not feeling well, etc. But no matter what, even though I have an exam the next day and I'm behind, it doesn't change the fact that the run felt so good. Moral of the story is: just run, it's never a mistake.

2. Being sweaty

I don't know what it is, but once I start sweating, I feel so good. I feel like I have done what my body was built to do, which is not sitting in front of the computer for 5 hours, but to actually use it. Euphoria.

3. Your future self image

I'm such a Type A person that I know where I am going months in advance. So, it excites me to always have fun little events that I'm working out for. As I have mentioned in my previous blog, i'm looking forward to Mariners Spring Training. That alone motivates me to eat a little healthier and walk a little more this month. Next month, i'll have a new reason to workout!

4. Increase in endurance

I am fortunate to have such a short commute to work. But there is one thing that I don't like, and it's the walk UPHILL after work. I used to be out of breath, sweating profusely and just hating every part of it. I've been walking home so much now that I am starting to zap up the hill without a pant and that's a great feeling. All I want to do is RUN up the hill now.

5. The shower

I don't know what it is, but the post-workout showers are magical. That's enough reason to want to workout and be sweaty.

6. New Workout Clothes/Accessories

For some, it may be the new shoes, new shorts, new tanktop – whatever. For me, it's everything from a new iPhone workout band to a new workout outfit. I am not a psychologist, but it truly activates this inner beast in me to run faster and push more. But, we all know that money does not grow on trees so we can't buy new workout clothes everyday. But when we do, we should definitely put it to good use and make it a fitness enhancer.

7. Have Fun

Most of all, HAVE FUN! If you are not having fun, it will not last. Make it fun. Find what works for you. Group exercise? Free weights? Yoga? Running on the treadmill while watching ESPN? I need a buddy so I grabbed my roommate and our "hangouts" switched from "which restaurant do you want to go to?" to "Arms or legs today?". Keep it fun and exciting!
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