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Group classes are designed for all levels. Expert trainers will provide modifications as needed. Online class registration opens 5 days before a class and closes one hour before a class.

Once online registration has closed, you may contact the front desk to sign up or ask the instructor if there is room before the class begins.
Group Classes
Why not try a free class today?
Group Classes at FHC
Each instructor brings their own exciting flavor to workouts and we have special limited classes regularly!
Building strength and lean muscle
Work on posture and stamina
Bodyweight, cardio, and plyometrics
Work your core to prevent injury
Increase cardio and strength
Use the gym floor in a safe and optimal way
Work to perfect form and alignment
Prevent injuries at the gym
Early morning strengthening
A music-motivated burn
Rest and nourish your mind, body, and soul
Move through poses focusing on breath and connection
Experience our VOD Library
Check out the FHC video-on-demand library.