Member Cancellation Request

Monthly Membership Cancellation Requests

Monthly memberships may be cancelled for any reason by submitting a written request to terminate via certified mail, in person, or by submitting the electronic cancellation request form below. A minimum of 30 days notice is required for all monthly membership cancellations. Request submissions must be submitted within 5 days of member's billing date in order to go into effect before the member's next billing cycle. Any prorated or unpaid balance on the member's account must be paid in full prior to termination.

Annual Membership Cancellation Requests

Annual memberships may be cancelled only if the member: becomes terminally ill (with doctor's note); becomes disabled (with doctor's note); passes away. Contact the front desk directly for further inquiries (e.g. full or partial refund, key fob access changes, etc.). Annual memberships do not automatically renew. Without follow-up to renew, annual memberships will automatically terminate at the end of the 12-month membership agreement.