High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T)?
(Also sometimes called Tabata)
High Intensity Interval Training uses quick blasts of cardio or fast movement usually between 20-30 seconds at a time with 10-15 seconds of rest in between. HIIT is great for many reasons, it’s fast, efficient, it burns more fat in 15 minutes then an hour on the treadmill, but it is also being studied as a safe form of exercise for patients with chronic illness. Check out one of FHC's HIIT today!
“They are showing that high-intensity exercise may be even better than regular aerobic activities for many patients with conditions like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, pulmonary disease, arthritis and Parkinson’s disease.”
Read more of this fascinating New York Times article by Jane Brody here:“Why Your Workout Should Be High-Intensity”